
Hypnotherapy in New Mills

Hypnotherapy is literally "therapy which is undertaken while you are in a state of hypnosis". Hypnosis is a totally natural, deeply relaxed state of heightened awareness a bit like a "daydream".

During hypnotherapy, suggestions can be made to your unconscious mind which may help to bring about the changes you are looking for. When under hypnosis you will feel very relaxed, just like that wonderful feeling when you are tired lying in your bed and you are so overcome with comfort that you wish the moment could last forever. 

The aim of hypnotherapy is to enable you to gain control over your emotions, aspects of your behaviour, or physiological processes.

Hypnotherapy is not a substitute for medical treatment, but can be a very useful addition to it.

Many people claim that they have never been hypnotised, but they do admit to having drifted off whilst thinking about a loved one, forgetting large chunks of a car journey, or 'going somewhere else' while reading a book. 

These are all examples of natural trance states. One of the great things about hypnosis is that in the hands of a reputable practitioner it is harmless and produces no damaging side effects, whilst providing positive therapeutic benefits.