
Sports Massage in New Mills


- relaxes the client & the facial muscles;
- stimulates the blood and lymph circulation;
- improves overall metabolism and activates sluggish skin;
- helps muscle tone;
- helps cleanse the skin of impurities and softens sebum;
- helps relieve muscle tensions & pain;
- provides a sense of physiological/psychological well-being.

Brief insight

Massage involves working and acting on the body with pressure – structured, unstructured, stationary, or moving – tension, motion, or vibration, done manually or with mechanical aids. Target tissues may include muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, skin, joints, or other connective tissue, as well as lymphatic vessels.

The Initial Consultation

First appointments begin with an intake process, starting with a health history. Generally, I willl ask you about your medical conditions; areas of concern; your level of pain or discomfort on good and bad days; what helps reduce the pain and what makes it worse; and contact information.

Within my code of ethics, let me know what areas of your body you would like worked on, if there are any areas to avoid and if you have any techniques that you would like to use or avoid. If you are concerned about undressing, discuss it with me, as I should be able to offer you some options and please don't be afraid to discuss any apprehensions or concerns.

Carrying out a detailed postural analysis is important as it would help me to establish the best treatment plan for the you, for instance, you might have muscular pain resulting from poor posture.

Remember: all information you give is confidential.

What to expect during a session?

After the initial consultation, I will leave the room so you can undress to your comfort level.
You will then lie down facing the couch which will be already covered with a disposable lining paper covering the whole length of the couch. You will cover yourself with another towel. Following this, I will knock before re-entering.

Make sure you are comfortable and let me know if you are not. You may want to tell me if you are cold, want to be covered, don't want an area of your body touched or are experiencing discomfort with the technique or how it is being applied.

To preserve your dignity, professionalism and respect, I will only expose the part to be massaged one at a time, as per previous agreement and written consent given by you. Remember, you are in charge, and can ask for changes so that It can adapt the treatment to suit your needs or simply stop the session at any time.

At the end of the massage, the therapist will leave the room so you can dress in private. Wait a few minutes on the table as you get grounded, especially if you feel light-headed. Then take your time getting ready. Once you are fully dressed up, I will knock before re-entering. Then I will offer you fresh water, debrief the session and find out what you liked or disliked, your thoughts about the session and give you after care advice.

After Care Advice

You will feel renewed and you may feel aching and soreness of the muscles over the next 24 hours, which is due to the release of toxins. Or you may just feel a little tired initially - this is owing to the deep relaxation you have felt during your treatment. 

You might also experience an emotional release and dizziness which are due to the release of repressed tension and drop in blood pressure during the massage.

I will also advise you to drink plenty of water (as it flushes out the toxins from your body), eat light meals, avoid alcohol and relax.

Contra Indication

There are a number of situations where massage is contraindicated, meaning that it is not recommended. 

In all cases, it is important to disclose any underlying medical conditions and concerns you may have during the initial consultation, so that I can adjust the session to fit your body and needs.

Because massage can affect multiple body systems, such as the cardiovascular and nervous systems, please be honest about your health. 

You should also let me know about any pharmaceutical drugs or botanical medicines you are taking, because massage can enhance or reduce the effect of pharmaceutical drugs, such as blood pressure medication