
Tuesday 9 October 2012

Let's respect, love and understand ourselves?

Can you counter act negative suggestions?

YES you can! Just by picking up a newspaper or turning the telly on, everyday you hear dozens of stories that could sow the seeds of fear, worry and anxiety... However, if you accept them and take them in, these destructive thoughts may cause you to lose your will to live!!

BUT you don't have to accept them, as you have within yourself the power to counteract all these destructive ideas by autosuggesting constructive messages to your subconscious mind.. 

For a moment, stop and think about what you were not thinking about which is exactly what you need to know now: close your eyes and try to go back to your childhood (if it is safe to do) and remember ALL that negativity coming from parents and relatives... and then from friends... and then from bosses and co-workers and so on and on and on...

Study the things said to you... closely examine the meaning underneath... you might discover that many of them were nothing more than a form of propaganda... AND they were following their OWN agenda... yes their own agenda! We ALL have one, it is normal! and the worse is: they are all concealed or better saying 'disguised'... So you might ask yourself "What is the purpose of it?" Well, the purpose 'was' and still 'is' to instill fear and negative conditions of worth in you!

 When you say "I can't do this" or "I am too old now" you are simply programming  your subconscious with these negative thoughts. As a result you create obstacles... you are in effect telling your subconscious mind that it cannot solve your problems... 

So on one hand you have your conscious mind saying "I can do this" on the other hand you have your subconscious saying "I can't do this".. so it becomes an impasse...

However... you can change it! 

Go somewhere quiet, sit down, take a few deep breaths... try not to think of anything but that moment... and then repeat the following:

"My subconscious knows the answer... it is responding to me now... I give thanks because I know the infinite intelligence of my subconscious knows all things and is revealling the perfect answer to me now... my real conviction is now setting free the majesty and glory of my subconscious mind. I rejoice that is so" 
                                                    Dr Joseph Murphy, The Power of your Subconscious Mind

Soo... some of you may say "Oh this is an affirmation!" and others may also say "It is a prayer!" and the answer is... yes and yes! You are both correct. Praying is nothing more and nothing less than an act/affirmation of faith, love and respect towards you, others, nature, universe and God. 

I hope you have found this helpful. If you wish to leave your comments, you may do so on our FB page:    MetaMind Therapies UK

Thank you

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